12 March 2025
28 January 2025
22 January 2025
30 November 2022
Jakarta (20/11) – On Sunday, November 20, 2022, Imboost Bone in collaboration with Gen FM held a Car Free Day event in Jakarta from 06:00 – 09:30 WIB. The chosen point for the activity is in front of FX Sudirman with various interesting events which include: Fun Bike, Zumba together and photo booth. This event aims to introduce the latest product from Imboost range: Imboost Bone, the FIRST calcium supplement in INDONESIA in an effervescent form containing Magnesium and Vitamin K2 which functions to help optimize calcium absorption into the bones. This event is also a continuous effort from Soho Global Health to always encourage Indonesian people to take care of their health together.
Around 2,000 people gathered at the event which was managed by Imboost Bone together with Gen FM with great enthusiasm following every event. The event opened at 7:00 with an opening speech from Ms. Sylvia Rizal as Vice President of Consumer Health & International Business who enthusiastically invited all attendance to always maintain their strong bones by regularly doing physical activity and consuming Imboost Bone to maintain bone density so they can stay active.
As soon as the event started, Fun Bike was released. There were around 150 people cycling together starting from FX Sudirman to the Monas Monument and returning to the starting point. The Flag Off for the Fun Bike event was carried out by Mr. Piero Brambati as Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operational Officer of Soho Global Health and accompanied by Ms. Yuliana Tjhai, as Senior Vice President Legal, Compliance, Internal Audit, Corporate Secretary, and HR Soho Global Health. This event proved to be very popular with many participants. There were more than 800 people who registered in the first 3 days when registration opened, but only 130 people were shortlisted by GenFM to be able to take part in the Fun Bike and get the cool Imboost Bone jacket.
The same excitement with the Fun Bike, there were around 150 people doing Zumba together on the stage area in front of FX Sudirman. Everyone moves dynamically and energetically with Dina and the Indonesian Dance Community.
The excitement become more complete as Titi Kamal was present amidst the enthusiasm of Jakarta residents, who was also present to support and enliven the CFD event with Imboost Bone. Titi Kamal actively performed zumba together, greeted and allowed group photo session that many CFD participants had been waiting for. Attended the event wearing an Imboost Bone T-shirt, Titi Kamal revealed that she was very enthusiastic about participating in the event and how the event was in line with her aspirations to become healthier and become more fit in 2022. Not to forget, Titi Kamal and all the management of Soho Global Health invited all participants to do an Imboost Bone Toast as a symbol of the commitment to maintain strong bones to live actively with Imboost Bone.
Besides being able to exercise together, CFD participants get free samples of Imboost Bone at this event. Moreover, there were also lots of promos for participants who buy various Imboost Bone packages that were sold during the event.
Imboost Bone is the newest product from Imboost, the number 1 immune supplement in Indonesia. What makes Imboost Bone different from other calcium supplements in Indonesia is that Imboost Bone contains calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 which optimize calcium absorption in the body. Moreover, Imboost Bone also contains 500 mg of Vitamin C and Vit D3 and Zinc to maintain the immune system without causing gastro problem.
The Imboost Bone CFD event with Gen FM would not be complete if it was not enlivened by the collaboration performance from Soho Global Health’s Band, The Boosters who performed several songs excellently that kept all participants enthusiastic and excited to always keep their bones strong so they can stay active. Many participants also looked forward to the band OKAAAY's performance, which closed the CFD Imboost Bone series with their hit songs.
SOHO Global Health has consistently delivered sustainable, solid financial results despite the soft market condition. In a rapidly-changing environment, the key to our success has been our ability to balance continuity with change. It has required discipline and decisive actions to build sustainable value for the long term.
21 September 2020
12 September 09/12/19
15 August 08/15/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
16 July 07/16/18
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